Dialectic Synthesis And High Order Synthesis

Achieving High Order Synthesis Through Dialectic Synthesis — Meditate On Opposing Ideas

Casey Willow
2 min readJun 16, 2021

The dialectic Synthesis of ideas that hold beliefs contrary to your own, a level of deep empathy allowing you to step into another’s ideological view of the world by understanding the values of ideas and the logical paths leading to those ideas.

Mundus Intellectualis (The World Of The Mind)

By applying this mode of thinking, you’ll add a third dimension to an ideological disagreement allowing you to take a birds-eye view of both thought systems. With such a view, you’ll be able to identify the similarities of opposing viewpoints giving you the necessary tools to empathise with ideas and the people behind them.

You can either aim to understand ideas and the people behind them or completely reframe your thinking to understand the people and the ideas which dictate their actions and mode of thinking.

Both paths will get you to a place where you’ll be able to appreciate the manifestations of ideas instead of just attacking them. A society, culture or…

